When is the best time to buy your second home? Solutions.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sunny Isles Beach, Fl. Ten thousand americans are retiring every day. The search for the perfect spot to retire starts on average, three years in advance. If you feel you might be already too late,  we put together a set of solutions for you. Our "Retire Florida Program".
The key question prospective retirees ask themselves is when happens to be the best time to buy a second home. Well, if you want to take advantage of the numerous financing programs available, you better think 5 YEARS or more BEFORE retiring.
In fact, lenders take the factor of retiring as a demeanor on your repayment capability. So, it doesn't matter how high your FICO score is when you retire. At that point, the lender fears you might have a substantial hit on your income. You still might not get approved for a second home if you are trying to qualify right before retiring age.
We designed a set of solutions that I am sure you will love.

"Retire Florida Program"

1) BUY EARLY: Don't procrastinate: do you really want to get old in gelid freezing temperatures shoveling snow to walk to your own driveway? What for? Comitt to find a place NOW. The market still gentle and loans might be real cheap for you.
2) USE YOUR ASSETS. Stop wasting your money on stock, gold or oil: This might be the last chance you have to take advantage of an overinflated stock market and a still recovering real estate market. LIQUIDATE ASSETS and buy a home! Say goodbye to your investment advisor. He will not be there if the stock crashes. But the bricks you can buy today will be waiting in sunny Florida for you.
Account balance means nothing unless you use it to fulfill your dreams.
3) Preconstruction might be PERFECT: Think about having ZERO expenses for two years and guaranteed financing up to 70 % loan to value. Plus the benefits of buying before groundbreaking in a market hungry for new units. It is a "win/win" situation. Need a partner? We have a partnership plan ready to help you secure the best Miami preconstructions.
725 Via Villagio
4) Think Hypoluxo! How about getting a great spot TODAY like this awesome waterfront townhouse for only $ 450,000.00 . at world renowned Hypoluxo, Palm Beach County? That chance exists. Be a "sooner" and buy today.
5) Buy smart, and USE US. We have the best team of professionals ready to tailor a plan that fits your needs. Call us today for an exclusive consultation to (786) 505 4007 or contact me directly clickng here. We answer all contacts within 20 minutes.

Fernando Pettineroli
Realtor. Listing agent.
Read more about the author here.

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